It’s so good to hear the story behind your work, I love this one, so beaut! I’ve been thinking lots about new beginnings as the seasons are shifting, it always makes me think of renewal, or preparation. I think my new beginning has been weirdly hopping back to my early work, kinda going full circle with materials - it feels like starting again with that learning energy ☀️

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Emma, thank you for sharing the story behind your wondrous new creativity. This piece is beautiful in all ways and I feel like I shared a walk in the woods with you. Change is a challenge but opens new doors for us continuously! I'm excited for you and all that lies ahead :)

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This is so beautiful Emma! I love the connectiom between place and change and creativity. Lovely following your journey x

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I love this print, Emma. I can't wait to have one hanging in my home, reminding me that inspiration is everywhere, just waiting to be let in!

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Congratulations Emma. I’m so excited for you! I love the “New Beginnings” theme, it’s so inspiring! Beautiful work! Blessings, Linda

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I am sorry I missed this earlier. Yes, I can imagine how thrilling this is! I have just the same issue and am trying all sorts of ways to trick myself into not just using a sketchbook ( such as buying a ring bound one so that I can remove the result!) and I am so pleased to see that you did and in such a glorious way. The print is just joyous.

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Oh Emma, this is a beautiful painting. New Beginnings...so full of promise for a new season, or for a new season of life! My new season is spending time learning from all of you, finding new joy in expressing my art and reveling in being a grandmother!!

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